Wednesday, January 15, 2020


As a mom, it's our responsibility to give our children a happy childhood, a happy memories that they can always remember and reminisce when they are adult. And of course, it is also our responsibility to give our children a healthy lifestyle, from food to take, to giving them the best skincare, to healthy play and sleep. We really need to give them a healthy jumpstart that babies deserve in life.

To help mothers through this journey, Cetaphil Baby is launching Mommy Dialogues—a series of discussions about pressing issues that moms often have to deal with. It’s also a platform where moms can meet other moms and share best practices when it comes to taking care of their babies. 

Each session of the Mommy Dialogues series will focus on topics concerning one or more of the four pillars of baby health:

Healthy Food
Eating healthy is important for children, as they need to be supplied with food from different food components in order to grow up free from nutritional deficiencies.

Healthy Play
Part of a healthy childhood is being able to have fun by doing activities that will help them develop their motor and social skills. In order to provide kids with healthy play, moms need to make sure that their child’s environment is safe not only for physical activities but also for their skin.

Healthy Sleep
A good night’s sleep is important especially for a growing child. Kids with proper sleeping routines establishes a healthy childhood and helps lower the development of health-related problems such as obesity and diabetes.

Healthy Skin
An integral part of a child’s healthy childhood, a proper skincare routine should be established from the get-go to help prevent skin conditions. Eczema and rashes are just some of the skin conditions almost exclusive to baby skin, which requires protection before these conditions escalate.

The pilot event for Mommy Dialogues kicks off with a discussion about developing one’s own styles of parenting. Moms Andi Manzano-Reyes, Frances Ang, and Dr. Ma. Cricelda Rescober lead the fun discussion on being each other’s support system, dealing with other moms, and the visible indicators of baby’s health.

To learn more about Mommy Dialogues, Cetaphil Baby, and its line of healthy products for kids, follow Cetaphil Philippines on Facebook and Instagram, or visit


Claire Castillo said...

I love how mom's shares about each topics and focusing with childs health. I hope i can attend event like this also. Thank's Ms. Jen ❤️

Ma.theresa priela said...

I loe cethapil๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜