Saturday, June 29, 2024

Introducing Nutr's Smart Home Plant-Based Milk Maker

According to a 2022 market discovery paper* by the Innovation Institute for Food and Health, plant based milks account for 16% of all milk sales, and this market segment is expected to continue growing.

With this ever-evolving landscape of plant-based milks as a backdrop, Nutr is poised to become a changemaker in the industry thanks to their innovative home beverage technology advancements. Their latest product is Gen N, a plant-based milk maker that captures the fuss-free and luxurious experience of an automatic coffee machine. 

Gen N is designed for the modern, health-conscious, and environmentally-conscious consumer. It eliminates the need for single-use plastic-lined cartons and avoids the stabilizers, artificial flavors, thickeners, and preservative ingredients consumers are becoming increasingly wary of in store-bought alternative milks.

It does this by making it effortless to brew fresh plant-based milks of any kind right at home with as little as one ingredient. 

To operate Gen N, users can either interact directly with the touch display screen, or they can use a connected Nutr app which allows them to make plant-based milks from their phone. The machine makes 300-1200mL of smooth and filtered plant-based milk of any kind based on setting selections and the ingredients loaded in. 

There's a refillable water storage tank and a separate component to add any other ingredients such as nuts, seeds, flavoring ingredients, etc. The plant-based milk maker then brews a designated amount of milk directly into a spouted thermal cup.

Gen N is designed for versatility and ease of use. Its features include:

  • Touchscreen and Smart Control - Can be operated via its physical touchscreen interface.
  • A Wide Range of Beverage Settings - Brew any non-dairy milk, including heat-required options like rice and soy milk. The machine also makes soups, smoothies, and baby food. Advanced Functionality - The machine heats, blends, filters, and dispenses liquids.
  • Delayed Start Option - The machine can be pre-loaded with ingredients and set for a timed start up to 24 hours in advance.
  • Self-Cleaning - Has a self-cleaning function and a sterilization button.

Gen N machines will be available later in 2024. However, consumers can reserve their Gen N now on our Reservation Page. 

Nutr's ultimate vision is for every household to gain access to pure and nutritious plant-based milk through their Nutr machines.

With Gen N by Nutr, the future of non-dairy milk has arrived. *Innovation Institute for Food and Health. (2022, April). The Evolving Market For Plant-Based Milk. UC Davis Graduate School of Management.

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