Friday, July 3, 2015

A new way of learning at Galileo Enrichment Learning Program

Math. I think it's one of the challenges and struggles every parents faced when they have kids who goes to school. Haha! Math was my least fave subject while I was still in school. And now that I have a 3rd grader daughter, Sofi is beginning to have a love/hate relationship with her Math subject as well. And when I checked Sofi's Math book, I understand what she feels. They're more advance now (compared to my Math subject when I was in 3rd grade), more complicated, hard and well... frustrating! Gone are the days of the simple 1+1, Ha! Can you relate with your kids Math dilemma? Fret not! Galileo Learning Center is here to help us embrace Math!

Sofi and I were invited to attend Galileo - Enrichment Learning Program. It's a new way of learning as they use Singapore techniques math. I've been hearing a lot of Singapore math from friends and was told that it's easier to learn than the traditional math.

It was Sofi's first time to encounter Singapore math and she told us that she had an easier time understanding and solving the problem. And she had fun too!

To some of us that's not familiar with Galileo, it's a meaningful, exciting and fun ways of learning Math and English that aims for students ages 3-12 years old. Galileo also offers Singapore Math for ages 6-12 years old. The program caters to pre-school and grade school students.

So, what makes Galileo different from the others? Students who go to Galileo has improved their school grades, they become academically competitive. They also develop a positive attitude towards studying by associating fin with learning. We all know that kids ages 3-12 years old tend to have a short span of attention. But when you put fun in your teachings, they mostly remembered what they were taught and learned.

The Galileo Telescopic Method approach focuses and concentrates on each child, finds his special learning needs and tailor-fits and trains the learning program for your specific child. 

For students ages 3-12, they incorporate fun with basic counting, to reading and to writing numbers, and as the students improved, they elevate to equations, algebra and geometry through in-depth word problem. 

If your child is having a hard time embracing math and english and I know some parents work hard to provide for their family but doesn't have enough time to sit down with their kids to teach, Galileo is here to help us! Our kids can go to Galileo Center twice a week for 30-45 minutes per session. The student works closely with teacher-facilitator and is given fun activities to supplement the lesson for the day. And since parental involvement is highly encouraged, you can also help and monitor your kids with their homework.

And to experience the Singapore Math Approach, we were taught hot it worked. I'm convinced that Singapore Math is much easier to learn and understand the method than using the traditional way of solving the problem. How I wish Singapore Math exist back then. hehe! :D

It looks complicated, right? haha! I remember when I was in school, I hate sentence question. I had a hard time understanding or comprehending questions like this. But nah! When we solved it using the Singapore math method, we were able to answer it! Even I was amazed how easy it was when you fully understand the question and yet not to complicate it much with simple answers.

And to help you more understand, Galileo Learning Center is inviting you to prepare for the future! Singapore Math Learning Festival - Preparing for the Future: Creativity and Innovation through Singapore Math is happening on July 4 at AIM Conference Center, Makati City. The conference will be a venue to educate teachers, school administrators, educators, and parents with creative and innovative teaching strategies in using Singapore Math for creativity and innovation.

Through this conference, participants will discover the current trends in education and examine how schools and homes can be prepared for it. It will also redefine or rethink Singapore Math as a means of applying creativity and innovation in the classroom and the home. It can also increase knowledge on the current trends in math education and how technology can be an aid to innovate instruction.

For registration, please call them at 02-8451234 or 02-5536193. You may also email them at

You may also visit them at their head office.

Visit their website at to know more. Thank you Galileo Learning Center and to Ms. Ruth Floresca of for the invite.

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