Hey there! Nuffnang is celebrating their 6th Blog Day on August 31. Wanna be part of it? This is exciting!! Read on! :)
Have you been sparked with a new blog post idea while taking a shower? Perhaps you whip your phone out to take pictures every few minutes, thinking, “This is so going on my blog”? Or you start experiencing withdrawal syndromes if you go even a day without blogging? Well, congratulations! You are officially a blog junkie. ☺
With the love of blogging running deep within all of us, there are of course, blogs out there that inspire us; wouldn’t it be great if we could share those blogs with everyone? That’s the idea behind Blog Day!
Blog Day was created with the belief that bloggers should have one day dedicated to getting to know other bloggers from other countries and areas of interest, and Nuffnang is proud to be celebrating the 6th Blog Day on 31st August 2011!
On Blog Day, bloggers will post a recommendation of 6 new blogs, and this way, everyone will find themselves discovering new, previously unknown blogs thanks to the viral effect of social media. Sounds great, doesn’t it?
Here’s how you can be a part of Blog Day 2011:
1. Spot 6 new blogs that interest you the most, preferably blogs which are different from your own culture, point of view and attitude.
2. Share with us why you have recommended those 6 blogs – are they funny? Do they tell unusual stories? Maybe the photos are out of this world?
3. Publish your blog post about your 6 recommendations by 11.59 pm, 31 August 2011.
4. Submit the permalink of your blog post about your recommendations as a comment on this blog post as well as in the form provided below
And the best part about Blog Day? You get rewarded if your recommendations get us raving over new awespme blogs! The Nuffnanger with the best recommendations will be our Featured Blogger of the Month for the month of October and all the frills, bells and whistles that come with being the Featured Blogger of the Month. Yes, you read that right! But wait, theres more! The winner will also have a radio guesting courtesy of our partners over at the Wake Up Show w/ Vince and Tracey at Mellow 94.7! Now isnt that something worth blogging for?
Exciting isn't it? Now, who do you have in mind? Feel free to share! :)
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